
to try to; to make sure that~

Explanation of ようにする

をつけられたらこまる。<div>まるで 過激派かげきは 台詞せりふね。
「ヴォックス・ポピュライに 生涯しょうがいささげる」とかってる
連中れんちゅう 一緒いっしょにしないでちょうだい。</div>

If it were me,&nbsp;I would make sure to not talk about that kind of thing.
It would be trouble if you were noticed.
You sound just like an extremist. Don't be one of those people who
says, "I'm going to dedicate my life to Vox Populi."

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(Word Search. May not be used the same way as described above.)

JLPT WaniKani
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